
 ESX disconnects NAT issue

 Editing VMWare Hosts File (Esxi)

If a host is not being resolved you can add the ip and hostname into the following locations on...

 Editing VMWare Hosts File (Vcenter)

If a host is not being resolved you can add the ip and hostname into the following locations:-on...

 Eth0 fails after VM restore

It's a MAC address thing!   On Ubuntu Edit /etc/udev/rules.d/z25_persistent-net.rules...

 Install Open-vm-tools

 Moving VMs from a host that has lost connection from vCenter

Remove broken host from clusterssh onto broken host and one that worksThis lists all VMs#vim-cmd...

 Restarting Management Agents

To restart the menagement agents on an esxi4.* host do the following:-SSH to the host in question...

 Suppress ESXi SSH warning to...

 Too many rcuos and rcuob processes in my VM

Too many rcuos and rcuob processes in my...

 VMware Tools not running after kernal update

First ensure that the “make” program is available on the server, for ubuntu this is...